current transformer class it won’t get any better

energy meter shunt

It wants you to be free.Education, religious upbringing, core family beliefs and friend’s values have been shaping your life up to now. You’re busy with life, work, partner, kids and socials and have little or no time to stop and think about where you’re life is heading.Begin your search now. . It’s a journey – a journey that leads to self-fulfillment, greater rewards at work and greater, all-round happiness. Align with your true identity - become all that you are. Little wonder then that life seems to go around and around in circles. Your soul wants you to do the logical thing. And that tiny voice… well if you can still hear, it will be saying, ‘I’ve well and truly lost my identity!’And what is your identity? I say your identity is who you really are, not your job, or your exam results, or your religious persuasion or your family name or your bank balance or how much you do to care for your dependants. But changing it, after years of shaping you into this person you are now, seems like a task, way, way too massive to even contemplate. It doesn’t want to see you floundering one day more. Yet while you continually throw your heart into doing what seems right, performing in ‘The Existence Mode’ your soul is searching. Understand that you were born with a unique talent and a distinctive way of expressing it; understand that at some level you already know your life purpose and that it has just become buried and that all you need now is just some time and a little help to uncover it; understand life purpose is not just job specific, though work is a key element because of the hours spent doing it; understand without clarity of life purpose living becomes existence.’ Your sense of identity in fact has most probably helped form a person who you are not and maybe even don’t like too much (grumpy, often tired, overweight, apathetic…) rather than who you really are. Twenty years from now you’ll still be working like a dog works when it’s chasing its tail. Finding out who you really are and where you are really heading takes a little time and may cost you some money. And unless you take time out current transformer class it won’t get any better. Now you’re programmed and running a set pattern of behaviour in what I’d call ‘The Existence Mode. (That’s why you are reading this now and identifying yourself in my words). It doesn’t want you to be lost, fed-up, mentally beating yourself or picking on the ones you love. No, you’re identity is something else…You we’re born into this world with a unique gift and a distinctive way of expressing it, the problem is, with so many other influences on you in your youth and adulthood you’ve forgotten what those things are.’Ninety-four percent of people don’t know where they’re heading. Until you know what you want you’ll continue to run on the pre-programmed Existence Mode’. In fact sometimes you hear a tiny voice in your head say, ‘I think I’m losing my identity

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